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Hernan Lopez-Schier

Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr Aiguader 88
Barcelona, Barcelona 8003

+34 93 316 0134

Taxa Studied: Invertebrate Animals, Vertebrate Animals
Techniques Employed: Solexa (Illumina) Sequencing, Bioinformatics/Sequence Analysis, In Situ Hybridization, Antibody Staining, Sectioning for Histology, Sectioning for Electron Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Time-Lapse Microscopy, Transgenesis, Mutagenesis, RNA interference(RNAi), Morpholinos
Research Description: We are investigating the evolution of hair cells and of hearing using a variety of model and non-model organism, such as Drosophila, tunicates, amphioxus, hagfish, lamprey and the zebrafish. Our intial interest is to address these question from a evo-devo perspective, with a future interest in asking how new ecological niches could have been accessed by animals with modified sensory abilities.
Lab Web Page: http://www.crg.es/hernan_lopez_schier
Willing to Host Undergraduates: YES
Actively Seeking Undergraduates: NO
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