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Christian Braendle

Institute of Developmental Biology and Cancer, CNRS
University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Parc Valrose
Nice, - 6100

+33 (0) 4 92 07 68 97

Taxa Studied: Invertebrate Animals
Techniques Employed: Degenerate PCR, Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Solexa (Illumina) Sequencing, Bioinformatics/Sequence Analysis, QTL Mapping, SNP Mapping, Antibody Staining, RNA interference(RNAi), Epifluoresence Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Transgenesis, Mutagenesis
Research Description: We use Caenorhabditis nematodes to study how development responds to environmental variation and how such responses evolve. We focus on molecularly well-characterized systems, such as vulval cell fate patterning or germline proliferation and differentiation, to study how ecologically relevant environmental conditions impact development. To examine the evolution of interactions between environment and development, we carry out comparative evolutionary analyses and experimental evolution. In addition, we study natural Caenorhabditis populations and their ecology. Our research combines different approaches at the interface of developmental genetics, evolution and ecology to gain an integrative view of development.
Lab Web Page: http://www.unice.fr/ibdc/equipe/equipe.php?id=43
Willing to Host Undergraduates: YES
Actively Seeking Undergraduates: YES
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