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Virgine Orgogozo

CNRS - Institut Jacques Monod
CNRS UMR7592 - Université Paris Diderot
15 rue Hélène Brion, Bâtiment Buffon - 4e étage - 420B
Paris, 75013


Taxa Studied: Invertebrate Animals
Techniques Employed: Sanger Sequencing, Solexa (Illumina) Sequencing, Bioinformatics/Sequence Analysis, QTL Mapping, SNP Mapping, In Situ Hybridization, Antibody Staining, RNA interference(RNAi), Scanning Electron Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Time-Lapse Microscopy, Transgenesis, Mutagenesis, laser ablation, Degenerate PCR
Research Description: We are using multiple approaches (genomics, developmental biology, biochemistry, behavioral assays, genetics, etc.) to identify the mutations responsible for evolutionary changes and to reconstruct past evolutionary events
Lab Web Page: http://www.virginie.orgogozo.org/
Willing to Host Undergraduates: YES
Actively Seeking Undergraduates: NO
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