Applying for Funding
Symposia and Workshops
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Research Exchange Experiences
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frequently asked questions

Will I get feedback on my proposal?
EDEN will not automatically provide feedback on successful proposals. If your proposal is declined, and you wish to submit an application in the future, you may contact to request feedback.

How long is a typical research exchange visit?
The visit should be as long as is reasonably necessary to learn or develop the specific technique or protocol in question. Applicants should consult with the host lab, which will have expertise in the proposed technique, for guidance as to the appropriate duration of the research exchange. EDEN will support exchanges up to three months.

How can we become a participating EDEN lab?
Click here to complete the participating labs survey. Your information will be added to the database of participating EDEN labs. Welcome to the EDEN network!

How do I apply for funding?
Applications consist of an application form, a short description of your proposed research and why you would like EDEN’s support, a letter of support from the host lab, and your CV (for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty applicants) or transcript (for undergraduates). Detailed application instructions can be found here for research exchanges, and here for undergraduate internships.

What is the application deadline?
For research exchanges, there are two deadlines per year, April 31 and October 31. For undergraduate internships, there is one deadline per year, on March 1st of each year. The first research exchange deadline will be October 31, 2010. The first undergraduate internship deadline will be March 1, 2011.

What is the deadline for submitting my report?
A report on your EDEN-supported research activity must be submitted no later than one month after the end of your research exchange or undergraduate internship. For details on how to prepare and submit your report, click here for research exchanges, and here for undergraduate internships.

Who is eligible to apply for research exchange funding?
Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs and faculty are all eligible to apply. In the case of applications from faculty researchers, priority will be given to early-career faculty.

Can I visit a lab to learn a technique that is well established?
Yes, if you can justify the need for you to learn it from direct experience. Later you will need to produce a video summary of the technique, or a very detailed protocol, that will help others repeat this technique in their own lab without the need for direct experience.

Can I visit a lab outside the US?
Yes, if your home lab is located in the U.S. However, the maximum available funding levels are the same for visits to U.S. and non-U.S. labs.

I work in a lab outside the US. Am I eligible to apply for EDEN funding?
Unfortunately not. However, you may still benefit from EDEN by receiving research exchange visitors from U.S. labs, attending EDEN-sponsored Symposia and Workshops, and using EDEN protocols as posted on the web site.

I am an undergraduate student at a U.S. university. Am I eligible to apply for an EDEN Undergraduate Internship in a lab outside of the U.S.?
Unfortunately not. Regardless of your nationality, EDEN Undergraduate Internships must be held at labs in the U.S..

I am not a US citizen. Am I eligible to apply for EDEN funding?
Yes, if your home lab is in the U.S.. Regardless of nationality, you are eligible to apply for EDEN funding as long as you are currently working in a lab in the U.S..

When will I learn if my application has been approved?
We aim to complete review of applications within one month of the submission deadline. Submission deadlines are April 31 and October 31 for research exchanges, and March 1st for undergraduate internships.

How much funding support is available for research exchanges?
The maximum amount of support is $3000.00 ($USD) per applicant. This goes towards the costs of travel, subsistence, and accommodation for a research exchange visit of up to three months in a host lab. If the stay is shorter than three months, then support levels may be adjusted appropriately.

How much funding support is available for undergraduate internships ?
The maximum amount of support is $5000.00 ($USD) per student. This goes towards the costs of travel, subsistence, and accommodation for a research exchange visit of ten weeks in a host lab. The award consists of a $4000 stipend and needs-based travel assistance of up to $1000 per student.

I currently work on a well-established model organism. Can I still apply for EDEN funding?
Yes, if you want to learn a technique that has been developed using a non-traditional or emerging model organism. Alternatively, you may visit an Evo-Devo-Eco lab to expand the evolutionary scope of your work on a traditional model organism.

Copyright © 2010 EDEN Evo-Devo-Eco Network. All Rights Reserved. Site designed by Academic Web Pages.
EDEN Logo: Daniel Christianson. Logo Image: Frederike Alwes. Contact EDEN: edenrcn@fas.harvard.edu.