symposia and workshops
10 travel grants are generally available for each symposium to help defray attendance costs for interested scientists. Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and faculty are welcome to apply for EDEN Symposium and Workshop Travel Grants. Details on how to apply for EDEN Travel funding will be available closer to the symposium date.
4th EDEN Symposium
Bringing Eco-Evo-Devo into the 21st Century: Tool Development in Emerging Model Organisms
Venue: Society for Developmental Biology 74th Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah, July 9-13, 2015
Symposium Speakers
Anna Bigney, Swarthmore College
Molecular classification of Bermuda species in the genus Lobophora
Linda Gai, Swarthmore College
Using quantitative genetics to test wild-derived chromosomes for effects on evolved tooth gain in sticklebacks Bishoy Hanna Kamel, University of California Merced
Identification and characterization of Biomineralization genes in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata
Kathryn Kavanaugh, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Shared rules of development predict patterns of evolution in vertebrate segmentation
Chris Lane, University of Rhode Island
Tracking algal biodiversity in a changing ocean
Craig Miller, University of California Berkeley
Genetic and genomic analysis of evolved tooth gain in sticklebacks
Mike Perry, New York University
Deep conservation of stochastic patterning mechanisms
Jeanne Serb, Iowa State University
Expression and comparative characterization of Gq-coupled invertebrate visual pigments reveal epistatic interactions in spectral tuning
Kimberly Shearer, Oregon State University
Testing the function of Cornus LFY and/or AP1 like genes using agrobacteria-mediated genetic transformation experiments
Frank Smith, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
The Walking Heads: Development and Evolution of the Tardigrade Body Plan
Priscila Souza Rothier Duarte, University of Sao Paolo
Morphological evolution of the autopodium in Squamata: are geckos an exception of phalanges development bias or the rule for ecological constraints? Million Tadege, Oklahoma State University
Regulation of leaf blade outgrowth
Jenny Xiang, North Carolina State University
Dogwoods as a model for evo-devo genetic study of inflorescence morphology - tools and progresses
Lev Yampolsky, East Tennessee State University
In search of ecological subfunctionalization of duplicated genes in Daphnia
Fei Zhang, Oklahoma State University
Epigenetic Regulation of Leaf Blade Outgrowth by WOX Transcription Factors in Plants
3rd EDEN Symposium
Ecological and environmental impacts in the evolution of organismal development
Venue: Euro Evo Devo Meeting, Vienna, Austria, July 22-25, 2014
Symposium Speakers
Ehab Abouheif, McGill University
Blanche Capel, Duke University
Beverley Glover, Cambridge University
Christian Laforsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich
Matt Rockman, New York University
Ralf Sommer, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
Michael Travisano, University of Minnesota
Ilya Ruvinsky, University of Chicago
2nd EDEN Symposium
The Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks
Venue: Evolution Meeting, Snowbird, Utah USA, June 21-25, 2013
Research in evolutionary developmental biology and developmental genetics has highlighted the importance of gene regulation in controlling developmental processes. These regulatory interactions form a complex network that can evolve over time. An emerging principle in eco-evo-devo is the idea that evolution of gene regulatory networks, not just amino acid sequences, plays an important role in adaptive evolution. The goal of the symposium is to highlight some of the recent advances in our understanding of the evolution of gene regulatory networks. The symposium will explore how regulatory evolution is fundamental to research at the frontiers of evolutionary biology, including the origin of novelties, mechanisms underlying phenotypic diversity, and evolution of life history strategies and species interactions. The Evolution meeting has been selected as the site for the symposium because it brings together scientists who address a wide range of questions in evolutionary biology.
Symposium Speakers
Richard Clark, University of Utah
Nels Elde, University of Utah
Veronica Hinman, Carnegie Mellon University
Vincent Lynch, University of Chicago
Antonia Monteiro, Yale University

1st EDEN Symposium
Understanding First Order Phenotypes: Transcriptomics for Emerging Models
Venue: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, California USA, January 3-7, 2013
In order to understand the evolution of gene expression in an ecological context there are two different general approaches. The first employs genetic model organisms in creative ecological contexts. The second applies modern genomic tools to emerging model organisms that have had a long tradition in ecologically relevant contexts. The RNA sequencing techniques, tools and analyses, established in traditional genetic model organisms often require adaptations and extensions to be applied to new and emerging model systems. It is a good time to get help from pioneers using these techniques to guide and shape future applications in emerging systems. The goal of the symposium is to create productive channels for using these data in evolutionary and developmental hypothesis testing. The SICB conference has been selected as the target site for this symposium due to the Society’s focus on the integration
across the many fields of specialization that occur in the broad field of biology.
Symposium Speakers
Corbin Jones, University of North Carolina
Rachel Brem, University of California, Berkeley
Jeffrey Townsend, Yale University
Chris Wheat, University of Helsinki
Antje Fischer, Marine Biological Laboratory
Jason Stajich, University of California, Riverside
Casey Dunn, Brown University
Melissa H. Pespeni, Indiana University
Gil Bejerano, Stanford University