Participating Labs
This is a listing of all participating EDEN labs. We intend for this list to be a useful resource for people working at the interface of evolution, development and ecology. You can become a participating lab by completing our survey.
It is NOT a requirement that applicants for EDEN funding, or hosts of EDEN-funded researchers, be listed here as EDEN Participating labs. If you are applying for EDEN research exchange funding, you can propose to work with any lab in the US or abroad. If you are applying for an EDEN undergraduate internship, you can propose to work with any lab in the US.
Click on a lab name to see which organisms they work on, which techniques they use and could potentially teach to other scientists, and whether or not they are actively seeking undergraduate students.
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- Aboobaker, Aziz University of Nottingham
- Abouheif, Ehab McGill University
- Abzhanov, Arkhat Harvard Unversity
- Adams, Byron Brigham Young University
- Adams, Diane Rutgers University
- Adriaens, Dominique Ghent University
- Akle, Veronica Universidad de los Andes
- Al-Wathiqui, Nooria Tufts University
- Alkema, Mark Umass Medical School
- Allen, Jonathan College of William and Mary
- Alonso, Claudio University of Sussex
- Alter, Elizabeth CUNY/York College
- Alvarez-Buylla, Elena R. Ecology Institute- National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Aman, Andy University of Vienna
- Ambrose, Barbara The New York Botanical Garden
- Andjus, Pavle Belgrade University
- Angelini, David R. Colby College
- Aranda, Manuel King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Arnone, Maria Ina Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
- Averof, Michalis Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon
- Balavoine, Guillaume CNRS / University Paris Diderot
- Banks, Jody Purdue University
- Barbash, Daniel Cornell University
- Barman, Apurba Texas A&M University
- Barnett, Austen A. Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Baum, David Univ. Wisconsin
- Baums, Iliana The Pennsylvania State University
- Becker, Annette University of Bremen
- Bell, Michael A. Stony Brook University
- Belles, Xavier Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF)
- Benitez, Mariana Instituto de Ecologia
- Bergman, Casey University of Manchester
- Bishop, Cory St. Francis-Xavier University
- Blackman, Benjamin University of Virginia
- Bliss, Barbara J. USDA ARS PBARC
- Böhne, Astrid Zoological Institute, University of Basel
- Boller, Michael St. John Fisher College
- Bond, Jason Auburn University
- Bopp, Daniel University of Zurich
- Borevitz, Justin University of Chicago
- Borisenko, Ilya Saint-Petersburg State University
- Boughman, Jenny Michigan State University
- Bousquet, Amanda University of Vermont
- Bowsher, Julia North Dakota State University
- Braendle, Christian Institute of Developmental Biology and Cancer, CNRS
- Braithwaite, Victoria Penn State University
- Brandon, Christopher University of South Carolina
- Brehm, Klaus University of Wuerzburg
- Breuker, Casper J. Oxford Brookes University
- Brisson, Jenn University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Brown, Federico D. Universidade de São Paulo
- Brown, Susan Kansas State University
- Brown, Matthew Mississippi State University
- Browne, William University of Miami
- Bucher, Gregor Georg-August-University Goettingen
- Buchholz, Daniel R. University of Cincinnati
- Burke, Ann C. Wesleyan University
- Byrne, Maria University of Sydney
- Cameron, Christopher University of Montreal
- Cañestro, Cristian University of Barcelona
- Capellini, Terence Harvard University
- Carrier, Tyler University of Maine
- Cartwright, Paulyn University of Kansas
- Casacuberta, Elena Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC_UPF)
- Casares, Fernando CABD (CSIC-UPO)
- Castelli Gair, James CABD (CSIC/JA/UPO)
- Castello, Maria E. Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas Clemente Estable
- Cetin, Cansu Bogazici University
- Chang, Chun-che Laboratory for Genetics and Development, National Taiwan University
- Chapman, Mark University of Oxford
- Chipman, Ariel The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Chiu, Chi-hua Kent State University
- Chu, Ka Hou The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Coffman, James A. Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory
- Cohen, C. Sarah San Francisco State University
- Cohn, Martin J University of Florida
- Collin, Rachel Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Cooper, Kimberly University of California San Diego
- Cortes, Andres Uppsala University
- Cotoras, Darko University of California, Berkeley
- Crego, Ines Olivera CBMSO-CSIC
- Croce, Jenifer Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Crow-Sanchez, Karen San Francisco State University
- Cruzan, Mitch Portland State University
- Cubas, Pilar Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia CSIC
- d, d
- D'Aniello, Salvatore Stazione Zoologica A Dohrn
- Damen, Wim Department of Genetics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- Dancause, Kelsey Université Aix-Marseille
- Danos, Nicole Harvard University
- Darby, Brian University of North Dakota
- Davis, Marcus Kennesaw State University
- Davis, Greg Bryn Mawr College
- Davison, Angus University of Nottingham
- De Tomaso, Tony UC Santa Barbara
- Dearden, Peter University of Otago
- Degnan, Sandie M The University of Queensland
- Denholm, Barry Zoology Department
- Des Marais, David L. Harvard University
- Devoto, Stephen H. Wesleyan University
- Di Stilio, Verónica S. University of Washington
- Di-Poi, Nicolas Institute of Biotechnology
- Diogo, Rui Howard University
- Dion, Kirstin Yale University
- Dittmar, Katharina SUNY at Buffalo
- Doust, Andrew Oklahoma State University
- Dudycha, Jeffry L. University of South Carolina
- Duman Scheel, Molly Indiana University School of Medicine
- Dwarakanath, Manali National University of Singapore
- Dworkin, Ian Michigan State University
- Dyer, Kelly University of Georgia
- Early, Ryan L. University of Alabama
- Edsinger, Eric Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- Eisthen, Heather Michigan State University
- Eksi, Elcin Hacettepe University
- Embury, Alana Loyola University Chicago
- Emery, Nancy Purdue University
- Ereskovsky, Alexander Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale (IMBE)
- Erezyilmaz, Deniz Princeton University
- Erives, Albert Dartmouth College
- Escriva, Hector Laboratoire Arago, CNRS/UPMC
- Etges, William J. University of Arkansas
- Extavour, Cassandra Harvard University
- extavourtest, test
- Faulkes, Zen The University of Texas-Pan American
- Ferreira, Sofia Institute of Marine Research
- Finnerty, John R. Boston University
- Fitch, David New York University
- Flatt, Dr. Thomas Institute of Population Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
- Fonseca, Rodrigo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) - Macae
- Fortin, Andrew Truman State University
- Franks, Bob North Carolina State Univerisit
- Franz-Odendaal, Tamara Mount Saint Vincent University
- Fraser, Gareth J. University of Sheffield
- Freitas, Renata IBMC
- Friedrich, Markus Wayne State University
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- Gamble, Tony University of Minnesota
- Gasser, Charles University of California, Davis
- Giribet, Gonzalo Harvard University
- Gleissberg, Stefan Ohio University
- Glover, Beverley University of Cambridge
- Godwin, John North Carolina State University
- Goldstein, Bob UNC Chapel Hill
- Golenberg, Edward M. Wayne State University
- Gomez Skarmeta, Jose Luis Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo
- Gomez-Mestre, Ivan Estacion Biologica de Doñana
- Gonzalez, Josefa Institute of Evolutionary Biology
- Gould, Billie Cornell Universtiy
- Groover, Andrew US Forest Service
- Gross, Josh University of Cincinnati
- Grozinger, Christina Penn State University
- Haag, Eric University of Maryland, College Park
- Hadfield, Michael Kewalo Marine Laboratory
- Hahn, Dan University of Florida
- Hahn, Mark E. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Harris, Jeanne M. University of Vermont
- Hasan, Md Mehedi University of Helsinki
- Hasebe, Mitsuyasu National Institute for Basic Biology
- Hejnol, Andreas Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology
- Henry, Jonathan University of Illinois
- Herkovits, Jorge Institute of Environmental Sciences & Health, Fundacion PROSAMA
- Herrera, Santiago MIT/WHOI
- Herron, Matthew University of British Columbia
- Heyland, Andreas University of Guelph
- Hileman, Lena University of Kansas
- Hill, April University of Richmond
- Hill, Malcolm University of Richmond
- Hinman, Veronica Carnegie Mellon U.
- Hoang, Rachel Haverford College
- Hodges, Scott Dept. Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology
- Hoekstra, Hopi Harvard University
- Hofmann, Hans A. The University of Texas at Austin
- Hoke, Kim Colorado State University
- Holland, Linda University of California San Diego
- Hollocher, Hope University of Notre Dame
- Hotta, Kohji Keio University
- Howarth, Dianella St. John's University
- Hsieh, Tonia Temple University
- Hughes, Kimberly Florida State University
- Hui, Jerome Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Indjeian, Vahan Stanford University
- Jackson, Daniel J. Georg-August University of Gottingen
- Jaeger, Johannes EMBL/CRG Research Unit in Systems Biology, CRG - Centre de Regulacio Genomica
- Janzen, Fred Iowa State University
- Jarrett, Brittany Delilah NYU
- Jeffery, William University of Maryland
- Jimenez, Alberto Garcia Universitat de Barcelona
- Jockusch, Elizabeth University of Connecticut
- Kanapeckas, Kimberly L Clemson University
- Karr, Tim Arizona State University
- Kavanagh, Kathryn University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Kawakami, Taki Kansas State University
- Kerney, Ryan Gettysburg College
- Keyte, Anna Duke University
- Khila, Abderrahman McGill University
- Kibuuka, Herbert Makerere University
- King, Nicole University of California, Berkeley
- Knott, Emily University of Jyvaskyla
- Kocot, Kevin Auburn University
- Koene, Joris M. VU University
- Koenig, Kristen University of Texas
- Kohlsdorf, Tiana University of Sao Paulo
- Kopp, Artyom University of California - Davis
- Kramer, Elena Harvard University
- Kronforst, Marcus University of Chicago
- Krull, Catherine University of Michigan
- Kulathinal, Rob Temple University
- Kumar, Avinash KIIT University
- Kusumi, Kenro Arizona State University
- Ladurner, Peter University of Innsbruck
- Lambert, David University of Rochester
- Lane, Chris University of Rhode Island
- Langdale, Jane University of Oxford
- Larsen, Ellen University of Toronto
- Layden, Michael Lehigh University
- Lehouck, Valerie Ghent University
- Lemaire, Patrick CNRS-CRBM
- Lemke, Steffen University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Levine, Judith Emily Stanford University
- Liberles, David University of Wyoming
- Linnen, Catherine University of Kentucky
- Litt, Amy The New York Botanical Garden
- Lo, Te-Wen Ithaca College
- Lopez-Schier, Hernan Centre for Genomic Regulation
- Lowry, David Michigan State University
- Lwanga, Moses K Ndiga
- Lynch, Jeremy University of Illinois at Chicago
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- Mabee, Paula University of South Dakota
- Maciver, Sutherland University of Edinburgh
- Maduro, Morris University of California, Riverside
- Magie, Craig Quinnipiac University
- Malay, Shukla Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
- Malone, John NIH
- Maloof, Julin University of California, Davis
- Martin, Adam Oregon State University
- Martín Casacuberta, David Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF)
- Maruska, Karen Louisiana State University
- Masembe, Charles Makerere University
- Masly, J.P. University of Oklahoma
- Mayer, Georg University of Leipzig
- McCoy, Krista A. East Carolina University
- McDaniel, Stuart University of Florida
- McGaugh, Suzanne University of Minnesota
- McGregor, Alistair Oxford Brookes University
- Medeiros, Daniel Meulemans University of Colorado, Boulder
- Medina, Monica University of California Merced
- Meisel, Richard University of Houston
- Mello, Claudio OHSU
- Menke, Doug University of Georgia
- Merrill, Doris Kansas State University
- Miller, Craig UC-Berkeley
- Mirth, Christen Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
- Mizutani, Claudia Mieko Case Western Reserve University
- Moczek, Armin Indiana University, Department of Biology
- Montanez, Raul Institute of evolutionary Biology
- Monteiro, Antonia Yale University
- Moore, Patricia University of Georgia
- Mora, Jennyfer University of Denver
- Moyle, Leonie Indiana University
- Muir, Chris Indiana University
- Mulley, John Bangor University
- Nam, Jongmin Rutgers University - Camden
- Namuyomba, Racheal Makerere University Kampala
- Nedelcu, Aurora University of New Brunswick
- Nichols, Scott University of Denver
- Nieh, James C. University of California San Diego
- Nothwang, Hans Gerd University of Oldenburg
- Ntanzi, Ronald Makerere University
- O'Connell, Lauren Harvard University
- O'Donnell, Brigid Plymouth State University
- Oakley, Todd UC Santa Barbara
- Olson, Peter D. The Natural History Museum
- Olsson, Lennart Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Ommeh, Sheila Cecily Animal Biotechnology Group - Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR)
- Opio, Moses Makerere University
- Orgogozo, Virgine CNRS - Institut Jacques Monod
- Ortiz-Barrientos, Daniel The University of Queensland
- Panfilio, Kristen University of Cologne
- Parichy, David University of Washington
- Parker, Joel University of Southampton
- Parsons, Kevin University of Glasgow
- Patel, Nipam UC Berkeley
- Paterson, Andrew University of Georgia
- Pedro, Pedro M IPE-Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas
- Peichel, Katie Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Peshkin, Leonid Harvard University
- Pfennig, David University of North Carolina
- Pick, Leslie University of Maryland
- Pires da Silva, Andre University of Texas at Arlington
- Piulachs, Maria-Dolors Inst. Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF)
- Porter, Megan University of Hawai'i at Manoa
- Posnien, Nico Georg-August-University Gottingen
- Postlethwait, John H. University of Oregon
- Powell, Ann L.T. University of California, Davis
- Preston, Jill University of Vermont
- Protas, Meredith Dominican University of California
- Prpic, Niko University of Goettingen
- Pujades, Cristina DCEXS-Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Pulikesi, Chittu Rajangam (C.R.) University of Wisconsin Madison
- Pushpakaran , PremRaj National Institute of Technology Calicut
- Ragsdale, Clifton University of Chicago
- Ragsdale, Erik Indiana University
- Raible, Florian Max F. Perutz Laboratories
- Rajpurohit, Subhash Univerisity of Nevada
- Rands, Sean University of Bristol
- Rebeiz, Mark University of Pittsburgh
- Reitzel, Adam University of North Carolina
- Remington, David L. University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Renard, Emmanuelle Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale
- Renn, Suzy Reed College
- Rezende, Gustavo Uenf (State University of North Fluminense)
- Ricuarte, Martha University of Puerto Rico
- Rifkin, Scott UC, San Diego
- Rivera, Ajna University of the Pacific
- Rockman, Matthew New York University
- Rokas, Antonis Vanderbilt University
- Ronshaugen, Matthew University of Manchester
- Rose, Chris James Madison University
- Rosenthal, Gil Texas A&M University
- Ruiz-Trillo, Inaki Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC)
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- Sadleir, Rudyard Northwestern University
- Salamanca, David Universidad de Los Andes
- Salzburger, Walter Zoological Institute, University of Basel
- Santagata, Scott C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
- Santos, Karen University of Montana
- Sarapathy, Prabhat Kumar Vedang Institute of Technology
- Scanlon, Mike Cornell University
- Schärer, Lukas University of Basel
- Schenfeld, Melina Hospital de Clinicas
- Schlichting, Carl University of Connecticut
- Schmidt-Ott, Urs University of Chicago
- Schneider, Christopher Boston University
- Schneider, Igor Universidade Federal do Para
- Schoppmeier, Michael Department Biology, FAU Erlangen
- Schubert, Michael Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Scobell, Sunny K. Brooklyn College
- Sears, Michael Bryn Mawr College
- Sears, Karen University of Illinois
- Shapiro, Mike Universitiy of Utah
- Shaw, Kerry Cornell University
- Shingleton, Alexander Michigan State University
- Sikes, James University of San Francisco
- Silva, Willian Uppsala University
- Simms, Ellen L. University of California, Berkeley
- Singer, Susan Carleton College
- Singh, Rama McMaster University
- Smith, Stacey University of Colorado - Boulder
- Smith, Joel MBL Woods Hole
- Soen, Yoav Weizmann Institute of Science
- Sommer, Ralf J. Max-Planck institute for Developmental Biology
- Sordino, Paolo Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
- Specht, Chelsea University of California, Berkeley
- Srinivasan, Dayalan Rowan University
- Stajich, Jason University of California-Riverside
- Stamboliyska, Rayna LMU Munich
- Steele, Rob University of California, Irvine
- Sternalski, Audrey IREC - Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Cinegeneticos
- Stinchcombe, John University of Toronto
- Stollewerk, Angelika Queen Mary, University of London
- Sur, Abhinav Clark University
- Suzuki, Yuichiro Wellesley College
- Swalla, Billie J. University of Washington
- Tarazona, Oscar A. University of Florida
- Tchougounov, Vladimir K. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS
- Tessmar-Raible, Kristin Max F. Perutz Laboratories
- Theissen, Guenter Department of Genetics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Tiozzo, Stefano Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche sur Mer
- Tomoyasu, Yoshi Miami University
- Travisano, Michael University of Minnesota
- True, John Stony Brook University (SUNY)
- Tucker, Abigail King
- Tuttle, Elaina M. Indiana State University
- Umen, James Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
- Urbani, Nerissa-Cesarina University
- Vallejo-Marin, Mario University of Stirling
- Vallen, Elizabeth Swarthmore College
- Vega, Guillermo INSIBIO-CONICET
- Velazquez, Vanesa Giselle Universidad Nacional del Comahue
- Vickaryous, Matt University of Guelph
- von Wettberg, Eric Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
- Wagner, Gunter Yale University
- Wagner, Doris University of Pennsylvania
- Walton, Cathy University of Manchester
- Wendel, Jonathan Iowa State University
- Werren, John University of Rochester
- Wettberg, Eric von Florida International University
- Wikramanayake, Athula University of Miami
- Williams, Thomas University of Dayton
- Wilson, Tony Brooklyn College
- Wimmer, Ernst A. Geog-August-University Goettingen
- Wing-Sze Leung, Amy The University of Hong Kong
- Wittkopp, Patricia University of Michigan
- Woerheide, Gert LMU Munich, Earth- & Environment
- Wolf, Diana University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Wolfner, Mariana Cornell University
- Xiang, Jenny North Carolina State University
- Yadav, Jay P. Department of Zoology, Bundelkhand University
- Yaklichkin, Sergey Baylor College of Medicine
- Yampolsky, Lev East Tennessee State University
- Yano, Tohru The Jikei University School of Medicine
- Yazbek, Mariana American University of Beirut
- Zachgo, Sabine University of Osnabrueck
- Zamudio, Kelly R. Cornell University
- Zanis, Michael Purdue University
- Zhdanova, Irina Boston University
- Ziermann, Janine Howard University College of Medicine
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