Research Exchange Experiences
Research Exchange Grant Awardees
Undergraduate Internship Awardees
2015 Awardees
Cera Fisher
Home: Jockusch Lab
Dept. EEB
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT |
Investigating adult body wall and wing patterning in Oncopeltus fasciatus
Host: Angelini Lab
Department of Biology
Colby College
Waterville, ME |
Nicole Forrester
Home: Ashman Lab
Dpt. of Biological Sciences
Universty of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA |
Does whole genome duplication double the threat of invasive plants?
Host: Sachs Lab
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA |
Christopher Gonzalez
Home: O'Donnell Lab
Dpt. of Biological Sciences
Plymouth State Universty
Plymouth, NH |
Using RNAi to examine gill homology in the mayfly Hexagenia limbata
Host: Angelini Lab
Department of Biology
Colby College
Waterville, ME |
Michael Guernsey
Home: Baker Lab
Dpartment of Genetics
Stanford Universty
Palo Alto, CA |
Investigating the molecular basis of placenta evolution in the fish genus, Poeciliopsis
Host: Reznick Lab
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA |
Leslie Kollar
Host: McDaniel Lab
Department of Biology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL |
Sexual dimorphism in production of volatile organic compound production in moss
Host: Rosenstiel Lab
Department of Biology
Portland State University
Portland, OR |
Claire Levy
Home: Kramer Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
Cambridge, CA |
The ecological function of staminodia in Aquilegia
Host: Hodges Lab
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA |
Grey Monroe
Home: McKay Lab
Dpt. of Bioagricultural Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO |
Variation in developmental and physiological responses to a gradient of water availability in Brachypodium
Host: Des Marais Lab
Arnold Arboretum
Harvard University
Boston, MA |
Silvia Urbansky
Home: Lemke Lab
Centre for Organismal Studies
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany |
Origin of coordinated tissue invagination during fly gastrulation
Host: Schmidt-Ott Lab
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Mickey von Dassow
Home: von Dassow Lab
Duke University Marine Lab
Beaufort, NC |
Mechanotransduction in the evolution of morphogenesis
Host: Swalla Lab
Friday Harbor Laboratories
University of Washington
Seattle, WA |
Molly Womack
Home: Hoke Lab
Dpt. of Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO |
Experimental evolution of the developmental basis of evolutionary ear loss in toads
Host: Hanken Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA |
2014 Awardees
Jenna Baughman
Home: Fisher Lab
Dpt. of Biological Sciences
California State Universty
Los Angeles, CA |
Sex or survival? The genetic impacts of environment and energetic trade-offs for the Mojave desert moss Syntrichia caninervis (Pottiaceae)
Host: McDaniel Lab
Department of Biology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL |
Andrea Berardi
Home: Smith Lab
Dpt. of Ecology and Evolution
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, CO |
Convergent evolution in plant flavonoid pathway function and floral pigmentation
Host: Winkel Lab
College of Science
Virginia Polytecnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA |
Courtney Clark-Hatchel
Home: Tomoyasu Lab
Dpt. of Zoology
Miami University
Miami, OH |
Finding wings in a non-winged arthropod through a CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in approach
Host: Patel Lab
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA |
Christian L. Cox
Home: Cox Lab
Dpt. of Biology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA |
Testosterone-mediated gene expression and the evolution of growth regulation
Host: Castoe Lab
Department of Biology
University of Texas, Arlington
Arlington, TX |
Aleatha Lee
Home: Nedelcu Lab
Dpt. of Neurobiology and Behaviour
University of New Brunswick
Frederickton, New Brunswick, Canada |
The evolutionary origin of the gene responsible for somatic cell fate in Volvox carteri
Host: Olson Lab
Biology Division
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS |
David Luecke
Home: Kopp Lab
Dpt. of Ecology and Evolution
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA |
Pole Cell Transplantation Between Drosophila Species: A method to hybridize species separated by strong pre-zygotic reproductive isolation
Host: Lehmann Lab
The Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York, NY |
Amanda Pierce
Home: de Roode Lab
Dpt. of Biology
Emory University
Brooklyn, NY |
Shining light on the genetics of monarch butterfly migration
Host: Kronforst Lab
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Sunny Scobell
Home: Wilson Lab
Dpt. of Biology
Brooklyn College, CUNY
Brooklyn, NY |
Using in situ hybridization to study the neuroendocrinological regulation of male pregnancy
Host: Maruska Lab
Department of Biological Sciences
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, LA |
Heidi Smith Parker
Home: Ryan and Wallingford Labs
Dpt. of Biology
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX |
Sirens: a novel system to explore the early evolution of salamander communication
Host: Eisthen Lab
Department of Zoology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, M |
Judith Wexler
Home: Kopp Lab
Dpt. of Population Biology, Dpt. of Ecology and Evolution
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA |
Using a cockroach model to understand the evolution of insect sexual differentiation pathways
Host: Belles Lab
Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Barcelona, Spain |
2013 Awardees |
Neal Anthwal
Home: Tucker Lab
Dpt. of Craniofacial Development
King's College London
England, UK
Protocol(s) Developed |
Control of middle ear and jaw development in Monodelphs
Host: Sears Lab
Department of Animal Biology
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Urbana, IL |
Yaniv Brandvain
Homes: Coop Lab & Turelli Lab
College of Biological Sciences
University of California, Davis
California, CA
Extracting RNA from developing hybrid tomato seed tissues to quantify allele-specific expression
Host: Bedinger Lab
College of Natural Sciences: Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO |
Robyn Crook
Home: Walters Lab
Dpt. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Houston, TX |
Novel mRNA targets for identifying and characterizing nociceptive sensory neurons in Octopus
Host: Ragsdale Lab
Department of Neurobiology
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Eric Kane
Home: Reitzel Lab
Dpt. of Biology
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Charlotte, VA |
Characterization of DNA binding activity of the Nematostella vectensis bZIP transcription factor nvNrf using protein binding microarrays
Host: Bulyk Lab
Division of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Harvard University
Boston, MA |
Jon Lambert
Home: Shaw Lab
Dpt. of Neurobiology and Behaviour
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY |
Next Generation sequencing for examining population structure and inferring patterns of diversification in Hawaiian arthropods
Host: Gillespie Lab
Dpt. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA |
Nicolas Malagon
Home: Larsen Lab
Dept. Cell and Systems Biology
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada |
Antibody staining in a tissue surrounded by a thick cuticle
Host: Kopp Lab
Evolution and Ecology
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA |
Jessica Nowicki
Home: Pratchett Lab
Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies
Australian Reserach Council
New Orleans, LA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Comparatively examining the neurobiology of social bonding in coral reef fishes
Host: O'Connell Lab
Bauer Fellows Program, Center for Systems Biology
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA |
Juan Pascual-Anaya
Home: Kuratani Lab
College of Biological Sciences
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Kobe, Japan |
Evolutionary origin of hematopoesis: insights from hemichordates
Host: Lowe Lab
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA |
Honghu Quan
Home: Lynch Lab
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
Protocol(s) Developed |
New strategies for next generation sequencing in Evo-Devo
Host: Eisen Lab
HHMI, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA |
Kate Rawlinson
Home: Hall Lab
Biology Department
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS, Canada |
The development of a larval mRNA in situ hybridization protocol for the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri
Host: Seaver Lab
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Science
University of Florida
St. Augustine, FL |
Quentin Schenkelaars
Home: Renard & Borchiellini Lab
Department of Biology
Aix Marseille Universite
Marseille, France
Protocol(s) Developed |
The Rho/Rock pathway: a metazoan conserved molecular toolkit for epithelial morphogenesis
Host: Hill Lab
Department of Biology
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA |
Jeanne Serb
Home: Serb Lab
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Protocol Learned |
Development of an in vitro protein expression system for Gq-mediated GPCRs: Testing the link between genotype and phenotype
Host: Pietrantonio Lab
Department of Entomology
Texas A&M University
Galveston, TX |
Kathy Su
Home: Meier Lab
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
Protocol(s) Developed |
Elucidating the dimorphic signals underlying the diversification of de novo abdominal appendages in Sepsidae
Host: Bowsher Lab
Biological Sciences
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND |
Fei Zhang
Home: Tadege Lab
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
Protocol(s) Developed |
Expression and functional analysis of AqSTF and AqWOX3 in Aquilegia leaf development
Host: Kramer Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
Cambridge, CA |
2012 Awardees
Austen Barnett
Home: Thomas Lab
Dpt. Zoology
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL
Protocol(s) Developed |
Developing an RNA interference protocol for the mite Archegozetes longisetosus
Host: Schmidt-Ott Lab
Dpt. Organismal Biology and Anatomy
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Veronica Di Stilio
Home: Di Stilio Lab
Dept. Biology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Functional Consequences of Ectopic Petaloidy on Insect Visitors
Host: Glover Lab
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, England |
Layla Freeborn
Home: Richards-Zawacki Lab
School of Science and Engineering
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
Protocol(s) Developed |
The genetic basis of coloration in poison dart frogs
Host: Kronforst Lab
Dpt. Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Andreas Heyland
Home: Heyland Lab
Dpt. Integrative Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON, Canada
Functional knockdown strategies in larval development
Host: Lowe Lab
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA |
Jason Keagy
Home: Boughman Lab
Dpt. Zoology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Protocol(s) Developed |
Comparative analysis of neuroanatomical evolution in stickleback fish using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Host: Braithwaite Lab
College of Agricultural Sciences
Penn State University
University Park, PA |
Alan Marron
Akam Lab
Department of Zoology
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, England
Walker Lab
Department of Botany
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Final Report |
RNAi-based functional genetics in choanoflagellates
Host: King Lab
Department of Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA |
Jema Rushe
Home: Emlen Lab
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Protocol(s) Developed |
In situ hybridization on horn imaginal primordial of rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus
Host: Niimi Lab
Laboratory of Sericulture and Entomoresources
Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan |
Tyler Square
Home: Muelemans
Medeiros Lab
Dpt. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO
Protocol(s) Developed |
Advancement of B. floridae as a developmental model system
Host: Yu Lab
Institute of Organismic Biology
Academia Sinica
Taipei, Taiwan |
2011 Awardees
Frederike Alwes
Home: Extavour Lab
Dpt. OEB
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Germline regeneration in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis
Host: Averof Lab
Iraklio, Crete, Greece |
Rebecca Helm
Home: Dunn Lab
Dept. EEB
Brown University
Providence, RI
Protocol(s) Developed |
Characterizing morphological development in the scyphozoan Pelagia noctiluca
Host: Gorsky Lab
Laboratoire d'Oceanographie de Villefranche
Villefranche sur Mer
France |
Daniel Lackner
Home: Karlseder Lab
Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
La Jolla, CA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Characterization of telomere structure and telomerase activity in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis
Host: Martindale Lab
Kewalo Marine Laboratory
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI |
Dacotah Melicher
Home: Bowsher Lab
Dpt. Biological Sciences
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
Protocol(s) Developed |
Understanding de novo structures with de novo sequencing
Host: Dworkin Lab
Department of Zoology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, IL |
Christopher Muir
Home: Moyle Lab
Department of Biology
University of Indiana
Bloomington, IN
Protocol(s) Developed |
Applying ecophysiological techniques to understand the mechanistic basis of adaptation and speciation in wild tomatoes (Solanum; Solanaceae)
Host: Galmés Lab
Department of Biology
University of the Balearic Islands
Palma, Spain |
Judit Pungor
Home: Thompson Lab
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Exploration of the Octopus Visual System
Host: Ragsdale Lab
Department of Biology
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL |
Prashant Sharma
Home: Giribet Lab
Dept. OEB
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Protocol(s) Developed
Publication Arising ! |
Developing a protocol for RNAi in the candidate model organism Phalangium opilio
Host: Jockusch Lab
Department of EEB
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT |
Frank Smith
Home: Jockusch Lab
Dept. EEB
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Protocol(s) Developed |
Tardigrade in situ hybridization
Host: Goldstein Lab
Department of Biology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC |
Bethany Wasik
Home: Monteiro Lab
Dept. EEB
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Protocol(s) Developed |
Spot on: The genetic basis of eyespot number variation in butterfly wings
Host: Hoekstra Lab
Department of OEB
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA |
Lev Yampolsky
Home: Yampolsky Lab
Dpt. Biological Sciences
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN
Protocol(s) Developed
Publication Arising ! |
Unifying hemoglobin expression measurement techniques across species of Daphnia in context of genetics and physiology of heat tolerance
Host: Ebert Lab
Zoologisches Institut
University of Basel
Basel, Switzerland
2010 Awardees
Bishoy Kamel
Home: Medina Lab
School of Natural Sciences
University of Merced
Merced, CA
Protocol(s) Developed |
Biomineralization During Development of Illyanassa obsoleta
Host: Lambert Lab
Department of Biology
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY |
Maryna Lesoway
Home: Collin Lab
Smithsonian Institute
Bocas del Toro, Panama
Protocol(s) Developed |
MAPK Activation in Two Closely Related Species of Gastropod Molluscs with Differing Modes of Development
Host: Henry Lab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology
Urbana, IL |
Navdeep Mutti
Home: Liebig Lab
School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ |
Exploring Systemic RNA Interference in Social Wasps
Host: Toth Lab
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA |
Pierre-Francois Perroud
Home: Quatrano Lab
Department of Biology
Washington University
St Louis, MO
Protocol(s) Developed |
Expressing Fluorescent Protein in the Moss Ceratodon purpureus or Tracking Sexes in Color
Host: McDaniel Lab
Department of Biology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL |