Cecilia Zumajo Cardona
Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Can the fruit developmental network of Arabidopsis thaliana be extrapolated to early diverging eudicots?
Host: Ambrose Lab
Genomics Program
The New York Botanical Garden
Martik Chatterjee
Indian Institute of Science Education and Reserach Mohali, India
Identifying genes in female Drosophila melanogaster that influence the outcome of sperm competition
Host: Wolfner Lab
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Cornell University |
Siyuan Lily Cheng
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Switching from offspring-directed aggression to parental care
Host: O'Connell Lab
Center for Systems Biology
Harvard University |
Kristijan Cindric
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Environmental Effects on Stress Responses in the Teleost Astyanax mexicanus
Host: Jeffery Lab
Department of Biology
University of Maryland |
Darcy Mishkind
Carleton College
Dissecting the regulatory mechanisms underlying the expression of the pigmentation gene Agouti
Host: Hoekstra Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University |
Jamily Lorena Ramos de Lima
Federal University of Para, Brazil
Genetic and epigenomic studies in model and emerging model systems: medaka and the four-eyed fish Anableps anableps
Host: Shubin Lab
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
University of Chicago |
Stratton Tolmie
University of Chicago
Molecular markers for the regeneraton of Clytia hemisphaerica
Host: Malamy Lab
Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
University of Chicago |
Jan Xue
University of British Columbia, Canada
Do perennial and annual species of plants respond differently to environmental cues? Phenological Characterization of Stress Response in the Emerging Model Plant System Brachypodium
Host: Des Marais Lab
Arnold Arboretum
Harvard University |
Anna Bigney
Swarthmore College
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Molecular Classification of the Algal Genus Lobophora
Host: Lane Lab
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Rhode Island
Adi Bitansky
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Tailless knock-out in Dipteran Clogmia
Host: Schmidt-Ott Lab
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
University of Chicago |
Zac Cabin
University of California, Santa Barbara
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Evolution of flower morphology in Aquilegia coerulea
Host: Hodges Lab
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Calum Campbell
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Final Report |
Using metabolomics to understand the effects of climate change on development of the coral Astrangia poculata
Host: Baums Lab
Department of Biology
The Pennsylvania State University |
Berta Colom Sanmarti
University of Barcelona, Spain
Allorecognition genetics in wild populations: fusion outcomes and population relatedness
Host: Cohen Lab
Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies
San Francisco State University |
Kimberly Johansson
Harvard University
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Interrogation of cricket germ line development by vasa transgenic analyses
Host: Extavour Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University |
Jason Millington
University of Nottingham, England
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Role of Nonapeptides in Male Uniparental Care
Host: O'Connell Lab
Center for Systems Biology
Harvard University |
Yeonwoo Park
Yale University
Final Report |
Investigating the reproductive biology of Monodelphis domestica to understand the evolution of pregnancy
Host: Wagner Lab
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University |
Beatriz Robinson
University of Nevada, Reno
Final Report
Protocol Developed |
Determining an adaptive genetic link in the Mexican cavefish
Host: Keene Lab
Department of Biology
University of Nevada, Reno |
Priscila de Souza Rothier Duarte
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Final Report
Protocol Developed |
Morphological evolution of the autopodium in Squamata
Host: Kavanaugh Lab
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Paul Bump
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Final Report
Protocol Developed
Molecular mechanism of metamorphosis in the emerging model system Hydroides elegans
Host: Hadfield Lab
Kewalo Marine Laboratory
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Lily Helfrich
Northwestern University
Final Report
Protocol Developed |
The effect of MAPK-signaling on Crepidula fornicata during spiral cleavage
Host: Smith Lab
The Josephine Bay Paul Center
Marine Biological Laboratory |
Kimberly Shearer
North Carolina State University
Final Report |
Functional analysis of LFY homolog from Cornus L. (Cornaceae) and the efficacy of overexpressing FT in Cornus canadensis
Host: Xiang Lab
Department of Plant Biology
North Carolina State University |
Chenling Xu
University of California, Davis
Population genomic analyses of the adaptation of Mimulus guttatus to serpentine soil
Host: Willis Lab
Department of Biology
Duke University |
Parinaz Fozouni
University of California, Berkeley
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Comparative Genomics of Choanoflagellates
Host: King Lab
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley |
Pa Yiar Khang
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Final Report
Plant Genetics and Evolution: Transgenomics
Host: Baum Lab
Department of Botany
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Brian Lohman
University of Idaho
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Stages in the Skeletal Ontogeny of Morphologically Contrasting Population of Threespine Stickleback
Host: Bell Lab
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Stony Brook University |
Pavitra Muralidhar
Cornell University
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed
Ecological Consequences of Phenotypic Variation in Peromyscus maniculatus
Host: Hoekstra Lab
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University |
Tatum Norrell
University of Florida
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Exploring the Association Between Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation in Certodon purpureus
Host: McDaniel Lab
Department of Biology
University of Florida |
Leslie Slota
University of Florida
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Ancient origin of cartilage development: Identification of the
SoxE-Collagen A pathway in horseshoe crabs
Host: Cohn Lab
Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
University of Florida |
Chris Trlica
North Carolina State University
Final Report
Protocol(s) Developed |
Promoting Early Flowering in Comus canadenseis by Genetic Transformation of Flowering Locus T
Host: Xiang Lab
Department of Plant Biology
North Carolina State University |
Joseph Walker
Purdue University
Final Report
Publication Arising ! |
Investigating the Mechanics for the Development of Wing Spots in the Butterfly Pieris rapae
Host: Monteiro Lab
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University |